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Collaborate with Google Drive

One of the powerful thing from Pro Pack is to take full advantage of every public resource over the internet. You can upload pictures or videos into your web server if you bought a hosting service. We know that many people purchase a web hosting under $10 / month which is not very fast and stable. In fact, hosting multimedia such as images, videos, and music affects heavy loads to your hosting server. Therefore, to improve your web server's performance, we need to distribute resources to somewhere other. This alternative but best space is Google Drive.
In this example, we'll create a Nivo Slider widget containing pictures located in Google Drive.

1Upload your picture folder into Google Drive

You can upload pictures into your web server via FTP. However, we'd highly recommend to use 'Google Drive' because Google Drive provides pretty big spaces (15GB) for free. In addition, any folders can be published to internet. This works same as your web hosting server.
Dropbox and Onedrive (SkyDrive) also provide free spaces. However, the most distinguished thing between Google Drive and others is that they don't allow a folder to be shared. This is a big deal for us who manage websites.
Once you have signed up Google Drive, upload the picture folder into your drive.

2Share the slide folder to Public

Once the folder has been successfully uploaded, select the folder, and change its 'Visibility options: Public on the web' from 'Sharing settings'.

3Show Details and activity

To get the picture folder's URL, click the folder on Google Drive. Then show 'Details' (Menu: More > Show Details and activity).

4Click the hosting link

There is 'HOSTING' information on the bottom-right. Click the hosting link, and a new window (web browser's tab) will open.

5Insert Contents (Build your own wizard)

There are two ways to insert a picture (video path, music path, and etc.) into the 'photo path' field between the folder browsing window and Pro Pack. Choose either of both.

  • Mouse over a file from the folder tree, and click right button of your mouse. When a menu pop up, choose 'Copy link address' menu. Paste the link address into 'photo path'.
  • Drag and drop a file to 'photo path' field. Before you drag & drop, make sure the field is empty.

Mission completed!

Below is a final example by following these steps above. All pictures are loaded from Google Drive not a web server. This is the reason why we'd highly recommend to store multimedia to Google Drive not your web server. Google Drive is much faster and stable! Moreover it's totally free. Buy Pro Pack