Comprehensive Tutorials: Becomes Pro...

iWeb can be a professional tool with acknowledging many advanced web components, and techniques. However, not like other professional web building tools, it has limited features to make it difficult to look professional.
Fortunately, after appearance of HTML snippet in iLife'08 (iWeb 2.0 or later), almost all standard web elements and fancy widgets can be embedded to your iWebsites without difficulties.
Many comprehensive tutorials would help you handle complicated web techniques as easy as possible. Since each tutorial targets everyone from newbies to power users, any users who don't know HTML at all, can follow the tutorials then implement them into their websites.
With understanding of basic iWeb features take great effects such as photo galleries, social plugins, cool menus, and so on... into your website here, right now!

  • Basic features - Understand iWeb features such as HTML snippet, default widgets, and etc.
  • Essentials - Introduce all step to be pro Webmasters.
  • Beyond the basic - Illustrate many possibilities to get more idea.
  • Useful Plugins - Facebook, Twitter, Google plugins, Skype, and other popular plugins.
  • SEO - To get more traffics must do Search Engine Optimization.
Basic features Essentials Beyond the basic Useful Plugins SEO

            Basic features

            Only for Newbies or beginners. You can skip this section if you are already experienced.


            Master all required steps to make your site professionally work. It will not take much time to master but the result will last permanently.

            Beyond the basic

            There are many possibilities that you can do as professional does. Enhance your site up with these advanced elements.

            Useful Plugins

            There are many free plugins that you may be interested in. Let people talk about your site more via social plugins.

            SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

            Boost more traffics to your website. SEO is the most important method to get your site ranked up on primary search engines.