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Create your video gallery from Vimeo

Just copying an username of Vimeo makes your own beautiful video gallery!
Vimeo is an online video-sharing service which is similar to YouTube but there are more aesthetic movies than YouTube. Pro Pack delivers users an innovative method to sync footages from a Vimeo user with your video gallery effortlessly.
A video gallery can include Movies, Titles (essential information) from each video of your chosen user like the example below. There is no more words needed! Refer to this example, and see how a magic will turn from Vimeo to Pro widgets of your site!

1Find your favorite users from Vimeo

You can upload footages to your account or subscribe specific Vimeo users. You don't need to create a playlist on Vimeo but you can collect your favorite videos into a playlist by clicking 'Like' button.
Once you have found your favorite user, you are very close to create your own video gallery.

2Copy an Username

There is an unique Username reading from the address bar of your web browser. Click an user that you'd like to view, from video online, and then look at the address bar.
For instance, if an address reads "", its Username must be "morganmaassen".

My user ID is "user11740444" because my vimeo URL is "".

3Settings for an widget (Build your own wizard)

Move from Vimeo to 'Build your own' wizard of Pro Pack, then choose any video gallery series under the "YouTube / Vimeo" category.
1) Scroll down to 'Sync RSS Feeds' options, and turn 'sync' on.
2) Select 'Vimeo' from 'feed generator' lists.
3) Choose either Videos OR Likes.
4) Paste the unique username.
These are all steps to be done. Now you must have your custom video gallery!

Mission completed!

Below is a final example by following these steps above. Compare between Morgan Maassen, and this playlist. Whenever a footage is uploaded into the channel, this player will be also automatically updated without any modifications. (sometimes, there may be small time gap.) Buy Pro Pack